Registration for Upcoming Adult Education Classes

Listed below are the upcoming classes being offered through the Community Education program of Polson School District.  Classes fill up fast, so be sure to register early. To register, please choose one of the following options:

1) If you have questions, please email the instructor or adult education coordinator:

2) Classes will be held at Polson School District property.

Students should contact the instructors directly using the contact information listed with the class description.

 "The Winter Session is underway. Please check back in September for the Fall class session!"

Request Form/Information for Teaching an Adult Education Class 

As an Adult Education Instructor, you determine the content and setup of your class. All classes must be taught at a Polson School District building. You can offer a one-time class, a full series of eight weeks, or anything in between.  Instructors will be compensated $40 per hour.  A typical fee charged in the past for participants has been around $20.00 for the entire session. A supply fee for materials may be necessary also. There must be a minimum of 6 students in the first class or it will be canceled. Please contact Deanna McElwee for more information regarding any questions regarding a possible class.