Sharon Bergman. As told by J. F. McAlear. The Fabulous Flathead. The Reservation Pioneers, Inc., Polson, MT: 1962. p. 205.
Board minutes from October 1948 to 1962. Hazel Vinson District Clerk from 1948 to 1958 and Arline Tompkins District Clerk from 1958 to 1961.
Marion A. Branson, Education Field Agent. "Report to Indian Office relative to Public Schools to which tuition is paid from federal funds for Indian Children " called The Flathead Indian Reservation Report of 1935 original report in phot o album format and loaned by the First Presbyterian Church of Polson, the Rev. John Dutzar to the Polson Public Library. Copy Negatives and prints owned by L ake County Country School Historians. "Glimpse of 1935 Schools Given in Old Scrapook" article on the report in the Flathead Courier, September 13, 1 979, pp. 14 and 15.
Paul Fugleberg. "Big Arm," Proud Heritage: an Illustrated History of Lake County, the Lower Flathead, Mission and Jocko Valleys, 1997, pp. 83.
Irene Hafdahl Daley. Letter with additions to Joyce Decker Wegner received January, 1999.
Mrs. Edward Hoyt. Memories as told to Ross Hoyt and Carol Swope.
Hazel Montgomery Lenoir. Written memories of Big Arm School and two pictures.
Gail Lewis. 1952 Graduation Program.
"Looking Back. . ." article. Source and date unknown.
Polson School District Number 23 District Clerk Pam Owens. Notes from records and minutes.
REGISTER OF SCHOOL OFFICERS & TEACHERS , Teacher Certificate Cards, and Student Records from the Office of the Lake County Superintendent of Schools and the Flathead County Superintendent of Schools.
Essie Leon (McDonald) Seibert obituary from the Missoulian, June 11, 1998.Inez Siegrist and the Publication Committee. "Settling of Big Arm" and "Churches and Schools" by Roberta Culp in IN THE SHADOWS OF THE MISSIONS. Mission Valley News: Ronan, MT, 1986. p. 16-19.
Ron and Carol Swope. Irvine Flats Maps showing schools.
Bill Tabor. Interviewed by Carol Swope for the Lake County Country School Historians on Saturday, February 4, 2000 at his home . Picture Collection.
Johnny Vinson. Interviewed by Carol Swope for the Lake County Country School Historians on Saturday,January 29, 2000 at his home.
Vinson Family. "Vinson Family" IN THE SHADOWS OF THE MISSIONS, p. 200.
Sidney Walker. Big Arm School pictures taken January 26, 2000 and given to historians. Memories shared with Joyce Decker Wegner in 1998 and 1999 whil e serving as janitor at the Lake County Courthouse. "Christmas Memories" shared with Lake County Country School Historians on tape at the December 2 1, 1999 meeting.