Gifted and Talented Fundraiser

Gifted and Talented

Our gifted ed services identify students from all grade levels and backgrounds who demonstrate exceptional intellectual potential and/or exceptional academic performance. The services provided stretch their brains with problem-solving & thinking skills. They learn how to persist when an academic task is challenging, the finer points of polite self-advocacy for their education, & how to embrace their inner nerd despite social pressures otherwise.

Our budget for next school year is projected to be tighter than usual, jeopardizing these services. Below are links to fundraising measures to help secure these services for next year. We have been previously successful in fundraising to preserve these services, and we are determined to be successful again. Thank you for joining us in securing the continuation of these lessons for these out-of-the-box students. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.

Questions? Contact Tamara:

Here's how:

Online Donation: Link 

March Madness Raffle Board: Link

Shirt Sales: Link 

Bid on Eagle Painting: Link

What is GT?: Link